Understanding the Global Mental Health Crisis: An Inside Perspective on Its Scale and Impact

At Perusta, we believe that prioritizing mental health is the right thing to do, and we also believe it’s good for business. In this blog, we’ll paint a clear portrait of the global mental health crisis and our worries for a future without comprehensive mental healthcare. Long-term mental health solutions do exist, so we’ll be exploring the benefits of those as well.
Before we start thinking globally, let’s think personally. Consider this example. Meet Melissa. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Melissa lived a healthy, active lifestyle. She commuted to work five days a week, played in a local soccer league, and regularly spent time with friends and family. When COVID reached her small Minnesota town, Melissa found herself somewhat isolated, working from home full-time and avoiding social gatherings to avoid getting sick.
Suddenly, her mental health began to flag. Melissa became depressed. She struggled to get out of bed, could no longer attend virtual meetings with her camera turned on, and lost interest in all of her favorite hobbies and television shows. Thankfully, Melissa’s family noticed that she was struggling and helped her find the right therapist to begin addressing her issues. But depression still had a very real impact on her quality of life and her work performance.
Melissa is just one of billions of global citizens, but her story likely resonates with up to half of the global population. It’s true — one out of every two people worldwide will develop a mental health condition at some point in their lifetime. This points to a wide-reaching issue that’s impacting both individuals and businesses. If we don’t take mental health seriously and take action, the long-term effects of untreated mental illness become impossible to ignore. Millions of lives lost to suicide and substance abuse and trillions lost in productivity are just the beginning.
Spelling It Out in Statistics: Mental Health Around the World
Over 27 million Americans aren’t receiving the mental health treatment or care they need, placing them within the 70% of the global population that struggles with the same issue. This is a reflection of the negative social stigma around mental health as well as a general lack of resources like therapists, mental health clinics, and mental health education, but it also indicates that the global mental health crisis is affecting people across all demographics.
Depression, for instance, is the leading cause of worldwide disability. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 5% of adults across the globe suffer from this mental condition. More women experience depression than men, but the hopelessness, disrupted sleep, and other symptoms that accompany this mental disorder are widespread and disabling.
Long-Terms Effects of the Global Mental Health Crisis
Did you know that people with severe mental health conditions tend to die 10 to 20 years before their mentally healthy peers? That’s a number we simply cannot ignore. If the current global mental health crisis continues, there could be dire consequences for businesses and the people who keep those businesses alive.
Costing Lives
Over 720,000 people die from suicide every year. In addition to being a leading cause of death in people aged 10-64, this tragic but preventable outcome is often linked to depression and other mental health conditions.
There are also chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer, arthritis, asthma, hypothyroidism, cardiovascular disease, and more to consider. All of these are more common in people struggling with depression, and depression tends to make physical symptoms worse. Even if they’re treated, any of the conditions we’ve listed above can shorten lifespan and also negatively impact quality of life.
Costing the Economy
Mental health disorders could cost the global economy $16 trillion by 2030, and they’re already costing the global economy $1 trillion a year as it is. Anxiety and depression hurt productivity and create increases in rates of turnover and absenteeism, leading to such substantial losses.
Looking beyond the direct economic impacts, we also recognize that poor mental health disrupts people’s ability to enjoy their lives. Like a dark, looming cloud, mental illness crowds out the sunshine of everyday leisure and social pursuits that people lean on for a sense of purpose and community. As people engage less with the world around them, opportunities to go out and create a more balanced life diminish.
Mental Health Solutions for All
Mental disorders such as depression and anxiety are long-term struggles that require long-term solutions. Consistent access to professional care allows people to address their underlying issues, navigate life challenges, and develop healthy coping mechanisms. Here’s why it really matters:
- Improved Financial Health: This really means higher earning potential, less likelihood of being unemployed, and more productivity at work.
- Better Overall Health: Physical health is linked to mental health, and when you nourish your mind, you nourish the whole body as well, reducing the risk of developing chronic health conditions such as diabetes.
- Sense of Security: When mental health resources are readily available, there’s less need to worry. In the event of a crisis or a particularly tough day on the job, people still feel comfortable, safe, and supported as they turn to a reliable mental wellness professional or platform.
- Community Contributions: Healthy people build healthy communities. Heightened mental health awareness and care give people the confidence and the general wellbeing to branch out and be helpful members of the society around them.
Perusta Paves the Way to Mental Health Awareness
Accessible, long-term mental health solutions are what Perusta is all about. Sustainable support for common mental health challenges should be right at your fingertips, and that’s what we’ve worked to develop with our one-of-a-kind approach to digital therapeutics.
Remember, any investment in mental health resources is really an investment in better businesses, a better society, and even a better world. You just have to think ahead and imagine a future where a positive workplace is an ever-present result of the work you’ve put in to make mental health solutions available to your employees.
Ready to get started? Contact us today to learn more about how we use the gold-standard of psychotherapy to make a difference.
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